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Gerrit Adr. Berckheyde

De Grote Markt, Haarlem

Gerrit’s most celebrated paintings are urban views set in Haarlem, Amsterdam and The Hague, which constitute the lion share of his painted oeuvre. Our painting of the Grote Markt in Haarlem was completely unknown before its recent reappearance at an auction. The composition, however, was familiar. Not only is a detailed preparatory drawing preserved but no less than four more painted versions are known: The Hermitage in St. Petersburg, The Frans Hals Museum, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh and a version of which the location is unknown

Artist Gerrit Adr. Berckheyde
Title De Grote Markt, Haarlem
Date 1623 NOT
Technique Oil
Materials Canvas
Dimensions 123 x 100

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