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OSTADE, Adriaen van

A laughing man

Adriaen van Ostade’s A laughing man is a relatively early work, dating to the 1640’s. According to Van Houbraken, Van Ostade and Adriaen Brouwer knew each other in Haarlem in the studio of Frans Hals. Although no compelling evidence for this exists, Van Ostade must have known Brouwer’s work as evidenced by comparing works in our collection by both artists. Both are thinly painted, on similar sized oval panels and show similar tonality and subjects.
Brouwer & Ostade side by side - The Kremer Collection
Brouwer & Ostade side by side

Artist OSTADE, Adriaen van
Title A laughing man
Date c. 1640
Technique Oil
Materials Panel
Dimensions 15.5 x 11.5
Signed & dated Monogram to the right of centre: Av. o (Av in ligature)

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